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Hazrat Ummul Baneen s.a Trust

A summarized introduction

Rasool Allah s.a.w: “I have been appointed to collect charity & zakat from the rich and hand them over to the poor and destitute amongst you.”

Where the Founder’s personality and capability is important for the success of a mission, right there, the presence of sincere companions and loyal assistants are very necessary.

In the initial phase of Islam’s great mission, the sincere assistants of Rasool Allah s.a.w. who had helped Him s.a.w. step by step were Hazrat Abu Talib a.s and Hazrat Khadija s.a being on the top of the list, who through their support and wealth, did not let Rasool Allah s.a.w. feel isolated.

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It was because of them a.s, that Rasool Allah s.a.w., by eradicated the prevailing cast system, made the poor and the rich humble and comfortable with each other. In this way as time passed, by helping one another, the Islamic Society was made beautiful and pleasant.

The society would have never been formatted into a beautiful one if the people did not have the spirit of helping one another.

In one of the traditions, Rasool Allah s.a.w. says, “Allah s.w.t loves those who help the grief-stricken people.”

In another tradition, Imam Jafer Al Sadiq a.s says, “When a believing man wards off one difficulty of his brother in faith, Allah s.w.t wards off 70 difficulties of the world and the hereafter for him.”

Therefore, by following the tradition of Rasool Allah s.a.w., we too should help each other to make the society beautiful and pleasant because a pleasant society is only that in which the poor and the rich spend their lives by shouldering each other and warding off each other’s difficulties by extending their helping hands.

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For the same purpose, Hazrat Ummul Baneen s.a Trust was established in 2013. The most important aim of this trust is to make the affairs of welfare, reform, preach and education even better by collecting funds from the well-off people of this nation.

From the initial stage itself, this trust had started taking care of the important social affairs of the society and along with the participation in the construction of the Mosques and Imam a.s Bargaahs, this trust had taken the responsibility to sponsor many orphans, widows and poor families.

Through this trust, the educational affairs of the shia children are taken care of and on religious occasions, special arrangements are made for the Majalis and Mahafil.

Besides these, there are other goals for which the trust has to give a practical shape, like to open a hospital, establish schools/colleges for the shia children, arrange homes for the homeless shia families, etc. For this very important religious mission to progress, your cooperation is most needed.

In our society, at times, when a poor man extends his hand to ask for something, he is deprived in spite of being a deserving person because he doesn’t seem deserving in the eyes of the givers, although in one tradition, Rasool Allah s.a.w has said that when a needy askes someone for something, it is as if he has placed his self-respect in front of that person. In this case, letting the person go empty handed is a big oppression. Parallel to this, when a needy is granted something, it is spread widely because of which the recipient feels extremely embarrassed, while in the light of a tradition, even the other hand of the giver should not know while helping a deserving person.

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Before you take your decision, please give us a chance to serve you. We shall never offend your trust and satisfaction.

We pray to Almighty s.a.w. to accept our humble services and grant us the utmost social welfare’s divine opportunity. Indeed He s.w.t is the Greatest Caretaker and our hopes are affiliated with Him s.w.t

Wassalaam Alaikum Wa Rehmatullah Wa Barakatuh

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